Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hi! So, I've finally decided to start a blog. I'm learning as I go and already finding out how much stuff you can do on here. Hopefully all you skilled bloggers can give me some pointers.

Anyway, here's a little tidbit about us...

Robb and I have been married for about 4 and a half years. We have 5 wonderful children who keep us forever busy. They remind me each day how blessed I am.

Audrey is 12 and such a good big sister to all of her siblings, especially Kate. She is becoming so responsible and is always willing to help around the house. I guess the teenager attitude has not started to sink in...hopefully that will hold off for a long while.

Forest is 10 and is a ball of energy all the time. You can find him rolling, jumping, or bouncing through the house most of the time. He loves to do anything outside from playing basketball to bouncing on his pogo stick. I sometimes wish I could jar up some of his energy for myself!

Josh is 9 and loves anything Bakugan related. If you don't know what that is, google it. He likes to watch movies and play video games. He is a willing little helper and often will do whatever he can to help his mom. (I love that!) Josh also has discovered a love of reading. He's currently into the Bailey School Kids series.

Jake is 9 (Josh and Jake are twins) and is very tenderhearted. He has the most contagious laugh I have ever heard. I can't help but smile just thinking about it. He loves to play with his friends and brothers and sisters. He is always willing to give his mom a hug and kiss goodbye.

Kate is 2 and very busy. Everyday I am amazed at how smart she is getting. She seems to just soak up so much information. She is completely in love with Mickey Mouse. I would say she is his #1 fan! She sleeps with her Mickey doll every night. She loves to "play toys," play with legos, and read books. And she loves her daddy very much.


  1. Yeah another way to keep in touch love you guys

  2. Welcome to the blogging world...my blog address is mycrazylifex6.blogspot.com you will find a link on there to andreas and julies bloggs also...

  3. See! I told you blogging isn't hard. :) I am excited. Now you can tell everyone all about your Conneticut adventures when you get there. You will be missed. :)

  4. Such a beautiful family! It is so wonderful to see you so happy! Your blog will be fun to follow. We have a blog too... but I don't update it too often. It's: coreyandsarahfamily.blogspot.com

  5. I think your blog is fantastic. It looks great and we are all learning as we go. I think you are probably much braver than I. I don't even dare change my background for fear of losing everything.
    Maybe one day I'll have my daughter babysit me as I do a face lift. Maybe.

  6. Look how cute you're family is. I love all your pictures...especially the one at the top. I love the background you chose. It looks great!
