Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, and More Pumpkins

Since I started working in late April of this year, I haven't been able to participate in the playgroup Kate and I used to go to. I have missed it, believe it or not. BUT, luckily, with Robb having most Fridays off work, he has been able to continue to take her. Kate loves going and she especially loves the extra time she gets to spend with her daddy. Robb is a great sport to go, as usually he is the only dad along for the ride.

One of the fun outings they had in the month of October was going to Browns Harvest Pumpkin Patch. It was a great activity for the kids complete with a hayride, treats, and of course, lots and lots of pumpkins. I know that Kate had a great time and as requested (by me of course) Robb took lots of pictures! Here are some of them:

A sign at the entrance to the patch. In case you were wondering, you must leave your elephants, camels, kangaroos, and other exotic pets at home!

Kate ready to get behind the wheel.

More wheel time.

And she's driving again.
Waiting for the hayride.
Posing for daddy's camera.

I love fall colors.

Check out all those pumpkins!

This one looks a bit warty!

And we have three winners! These are some of the ones Robb and Kate brought home.

Another pumpkin. Oh wait! It's Kate!

On the hayride:

This is Kate with her buddy, Oliver.

More friends: Lizzie, Kate, and Oliver

Oliver, Kate and Eliza

Kate and Robb
They had such a fun time on this outing! Kate loves spending time with her dad!

At our house we love Halloween! Since Kate and Robb went to the pumpkin patch they picked out some fabulous pumpkins for us to carve. For a family night we carved pumpkins and had a blast. How could you not? You get to get all ooey, gooey, and slimey! This year we carved but also make faced by poking these plastic pieces into the pumpkin, kind of like Mr. Potato head. So, our pumpkins (at least the bigger ones) each had duel personalities. You'll see what I mean when you look at the pictures.

Robb and Josh scooping out the guts.
WAIT! Don't eat that! EEW!

Jake and Kate.
Kate wasn't too sure about actually touching the guts.
Don't blame her really.

This is hard work!

But fun work, too!

Jake smiling and scooping!

See his concentration?

Robb helping Kate, who still isn't interested in getting dirty.






Mine and Robb's pumpkins. It was love at first sight. Obviously!

Our porch debut

Kate pumpkifying herself!
We had a fun night!


  1. love how ur pumpkins turned out! my bad, we skipped that part of halloween this year! i don't know why either! i heart pumpkins!

  2. It looks like things are really busy in your neck of the woods. I am glad that there are so many fun things to do with your family.
    I can't believe how long Kate's hair is and how much Kate, you and your mom all look alike.
