Thursday, August 19, 2010

Visiting Grandma in West Virginia

During this past couple of weeks the kids and I had the chance to drive to West Virginia and visit my parents. My brother and his family were there at the same time so it was fun to be able to spend some time together.
We started our journey early one morning and drove all day to get there. It took us about 12 hours and we drove through 7 or 8 different states! I had never really taken a road trip by myself where I was the only driver so this made me feel like a grown up! The trip went quite well and I was pleasantly surprised. We were there for about 12 days so I have lots of pictures! Here are some:

It was really humid and warm in West Virginia so the kids took advantage of the sprinklers at grandma's. Here are Jake, Abbi, Kate, Ethan, and Josh. Abbi and Ethan are my brother's kids. Abbi is about 6 months younger than Kate and this trip was their first time meeting.
Jake, Josh, and Ethan
Kate really loves sprinklers!

I don't know what it is about sleeping pictures, but I just love them! I couldn't resist taking these pictures of my kids. One day they will love these, too. I'm sure of it!

Kate looking very cozy! I accidentally woke her up while getting these pictures.
And here she is more awake...and almost smiling at me.Jake in what seems to be an awkward position but one that works for him.
Jake really gets into his pillow.
Here's Josh. Notice he is completely off of his bed, yet still sound asleep.
Josh on his cozy pillow.

Here is my cute niece, Abbi. Her and Kate became really good friends!
Abbi and Kate in the bath...

We all got to go to church in my mom's ward. There were 9 of us so we took up a whole middle row. Here are some pictures of our cute kids in their Sunday best:

All the boys:
Jake, Josh, and Ethan
The girls:
Kate and Abbi
(And of course their beloved Mickey and Minnie dolls!)
All the kids:
Jake, Josh, Ethan, Kate, and Abbi

We had a wonderful time and did so many fun things. I will post more pictures very soon!


  1. I met your mom when she was here watching your kids. She is really nice. I am glad that your kids can get to know their cousins and you can see your mom.

  2. My brother served his mission in West Virginia! Where does your mom live?

  3. What a small world! She lives in a really small town called Bluefield. It is on the border of West Virginia and Virginia.
