Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our Impromptu Ideas of Fun

At our house we love to have movie nights. When we don't have anything planned and the kids want to do something we call a movie night. On this particular night, Robb was at work and the kids were wanting to do something so we called a movie night. We had ice cream AND popcorn and everyone brought out their pillows and blankets to the front room and we got all settled in to watch the movie choice of the night: Nim's Island.

Audrey and Forest

Kate posing for the camera but not taking her eyes off the movie!

Josh and Jake

Another crowd-pleaser at our house is having a game night. We pull out the games and treats and let the fun begin. This night we played Jenga and UNO-two family favorites.

All the kids with their masterpiece.
They are all pretty good at this game and always go for the bottom! Very risky!

Kate got a little bored playing Jenga so she decided to make a picture with her crayons and stickers. This is one of her favorite things to do!

Going crazy with UNO!

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