Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Newest Water Toy

It has been so hot and humid here for the past week. We decided we needed a new water toy so Robb and the kids went on the hunt to find something. Because we are late to get out and get something, most places were sold out. I popped into Best Buy after work one day and found an inflatable soccer ball sprinkler. That was pretty much the only thing left so I got it. We set it up when I got home and the kids had a blast running around with it. You hook the ball up to the hose and it shoots water out. You can throw it around or just set it on the ground and run around it like a sprinkler. I will say it was $5 well spent.

Audrey and Kate getting wet!

Audrey about to throw the ball.

Forest taking his turn.

Kate doing her "tricks."

What a great way to cool off on a hot day!


  1. how fun is that! we just bought a sprinkler that goes back and forth, really slowly too!
    i have seen these water balls at the store but didn't know how fun they would be! but now we do!

  2. It looks like things are going well for you back East. I am glad. It's also good to see Audrey and Forest.
    Water toys, baseball games and bikes are all fabulous ways to make it through the summer.
