Monday, June 7, 2010

What's better than 99¢ rootbeer floats?

Playing on the playground at Artic Circle after eating your rootbeer float!
We went to Artic Circle while our house was being shown and I snapped these pictures of the kids. They had a great time they always do!

Josh and Forest...KINGS of the SLIDE!

Kate being her cute self.

All the boys hanging around...literally.

The whole group. I just love this picture!


  1. I love the last picture as well. Seeing Forrest on the slide made me smile. I have a picture in my heart of him in his Sunbeam class with a suit and tie on and smiling so cute. He knew all the answers to the questions and wormed his way into my heart.

  2. Forest is the kind of kid that you just can't help smiling about. All of our kids are really great. Makes me feel blessed to have them!
